EAT COLORFUL! Americans eat too much white food such as potatoes, rice, flour, white sugar, milk, cheese, white bread, and white pasta. Why is this dangerous? They can cause chronic killer diseases! 4500 independent studies show that fruits and vegetables can reduce your chance of getting cancer, but not only cancer. The people who ate the most fruits and vegetables had ½ the least occurrence of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
50 grams of fiber is what is recommended to clean the body of carcinogen, however, most Americans get only 5 grams of fiber. Low fiber is connected to breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Every single fruit and veggie is loaded with fiber; just a cup of blueberries has 15 grams of fiber!
Today, the average person in the U.S. lives for nearly 78 years. But scientists estimate that the maximum potential life span of the human body is roughly 120 years. The oldest living human alive today is believed to be 122. Keeping a great quality of life means eating colorful fruits and veggies.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Healthy Tips
10:50 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Mollie McCarl's 7 Simple Ways To Reduce Cravings
1. Remove foods from every room in the house except the kitchen (no candy dishes in the living room, no chocolates in the top dresser drawer, and no snacks in the car's glove compartment or on the desk at work).
2. At parties and social events, after you have eaten, stay away from the room with the food.
3. When shopping, avoid the aisles with candies and desserts stay with the healthy fruits and vegetables. Shop only in the outer aisles.
4. At home, serve reasonable portions of food in the kitchen and bring the plates to the dining table. Don't put serving bowls or platters on the table. If you really want seconds, go back into the kitchen to get them.
5. If you must have treats in the house, don't buy them in bulk packages. Instead of buying a half-gallon of ice cream (or low-fat yogurt), buy single servings such as pops, cones or cups. It is more likely that you'll have a large serving of ice cream without thinking about it than it is that you'll go back to the freezer and get a second treat without thinking about it.
6. When eating out, ask the waitperson to take the bread away as soon as possible.
7. Resign from the Clean Plate Club. Even if it feels a little uncomfortable, leave a small amount of food on your plate to help unlearn the association between the sight of food and eating.