(NAPSI)-Skateboarders should use their heads when it comes to protecting their feet.
According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), skateboarding tricks such as "riding the rail" and "catching air" can be physically demanding and cause serious foot and ankle injuries.
Foot and ankle surgeons around the country see serious lower-extremity skateboard injuries that range from minor bruises to open wounds or cuts to more serious foot and ankle sprains and fractures, which may require surgical repair.
Foot and ankle surgeon Jennifer Purvis, DPM, AACFAS, advises skateboarders to use caution and wear protective gear, including properly supportive shoes, when skateboarding. "Skateboarding can be particularly hard on your feet and ankles because of the impact caused when performing jumps and tricks," Dr. Purvis explained. "Skateboarders should be aware that the strain from repetitive, forceful motions can also cause painful foot and heel conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bone spurs and Achilles tendonitis, which may require more intensive, longer-term therapies."
Even minor cuts or abrasions on your feet can cause serious problems including MRSA-a very serious and sometimes deadly staph infection.
Foot and ankle sprains and fractures are common skateboarding injuries. Karl Collins, DPM, FACFAS, stresses the importance of seeing a foot and ankle surgeon to ensure proper diagnosis and course of treatment for these injuries. Until you can be seen by a doctor, it's best to take a break from activities and use R.I.C.E. therapy-Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation-which helps reduce pain and control swelling around the injury.
"A common misconception about foot and ankle fractures is that if you can walk on the foot, there isn't a fracture," Dr. Collins said. "That's not always the case, and only a proper diagnosis can rule out a serious injury requiring an advanced treatment plan."
For information on foot and ankle injuries or to find a foot and ankle surgeon nearby, visit FootPhysicians.com.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Surgeons Warn: Skateboarding Tough On Feet, Ankles
9:35 AM
Labels: ankles, atlanta, fayette front page, feet, georgia, georgia front page, impact, injuries, skateboard
Friday, July 17, 2009
Cancer Wellness at Piedmont Fayette Hospital Offers Cancer WellFit™
Cancer Wellness at Piedmont Fayette Hospital offers Cancer WellFitTM as part of Get a Move On, a combination nutrition and exercise program for breast cancer patients and survivors. Recent studies show the tremendous benefits a healthy diet and regular exercise can have for breast cancer survivors in reducing both the severity and rate of recurrence of the disease. Cancer WellFitTM is a safe, inviting exercise program to improve the physical health and quality of life for people with cancer.
The program offers eligible participants one-on-one exercise consultations with a degreed exercise physiologist plus twice weekly group exercise classes. The program is offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. in the PFH Rehabilitation and Fitness Center in the Fayette Professional Center, directly across from the hospital.
To register call 770-719-7290 or for more information visit piedmontcancerconnection.org or fayettehospital.org.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
First Step Menopause Solution
/24-7/ -- If you are new to perimenopause or menopause, it is not uncommon to feel out of sorts while your body goes through its natural process of adjusting estrogen and progesterone output. Menopause can also occur if you have had surgery such as a hysterectomy or medical treatments that affect your ovaries. Regardless of how you enter menopause, the most common symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and restless sleep. Some women go through menopause with few and mild symptoms, while others have symptoms that can affect their quality of life.
Since the late 1960s, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which uses a pharmaceutically manufactured and standardized estrogen that is either used alone or in combination with progestin (a manufactured chemical that mimics progesterone), has been the conventional treatment for symptoms of menopause. However, a series of studies have identified increased risks for serious health problems among women on HRT. This is the most significant reason why many women and health care providers have become interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment options for symptom relief.
An expert panel discussion that included members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) gathered in 2005 to review managing a variety of symptoms associated with menopause. The panel noted that "menopause is a normal, healthy part of a woman's life and should not be viewed as a disease. Also, some symptoms currently viewed as being menopausal might not be caused by menopause, but by aging in general and/or life changes."
The discussion focused on the use of herbs and botanical ingredients, some of which act like weak estrogens. Black cohosh and red clover extracts are still among the most studied herbs for hot flashes, as well as relief of other symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause. Since HRT negatively affects hormone-sensitive tissues such as those in the breasts and uterus, scientists also study and evaluate the safety of herbs. Standardized herbal extract products are preferred because they ensure chemical consistency, which makes them more effective and thus a viable option for treating symptoms of menopause.
Since the discussion in 2005, many universities, scientists and chemists worldwide continue to research and study the enormous value of herbs as medicine for a healthier menopause transition. To learn more about herbal medicine online, visit the American Botanical Council, a research and education organization dedicated to providing scientifically and medically accurate information to consumers, healthcare providers, researchers and educators.
Taking a supplement made from standardized herbal extracts, such as Femmerol (which is manufactured by Capsugel, a division of Warner-Lambert), along with a quality multivitamin, daily exercise and stress management is still the number one doctor recommended approach to an easy perimenopause/menopause transition, and better overall health.
Femmerol as a Treatment Option:
Femmerol is a clinically tested menopause treatment product that is made from standardized herbal extracts. It is sold without a prescription and recommended by health care providers as a first step approach to tame symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, moodiness and restless sleep. Its formula is specifically designed for women who have multiple symptoms and prefer to avoid taking hormone replacement medications and antidepressants. In review, the results of the clinical study found Femmerol to be an effective hormonal supplement for women during menopause and perimenopause.
17 Primary Symptoms:
The results of the clinical study found that Femmerol successfully relieved 17 primary symptoms of menopause. In its conclusion, the study stated, "Clearly, Femmerol is extremely effective in relieving a number of common symptoms associated with menopausal symptoms ... each of these symptoms were statistically different from those on placebo."
Results Summary:
Results are summarized on the Femmerol website for your convenience. For a complete description of the study's criteria, end points, methodology and analysis, download the study here.
Share Your Story
"Tell me a fact and I'll learn. Tell me a truth and I'll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever." Author unknown
I believe we all have a story within us. It could be a personal experience that rocked your world, or something someone said or something you read that changed your perspective, gave you new direction, courage or hope.
If so, please write. Your real life story, humanitarian spirit, humor or wisdom could be the perfect antidote for someone in our family of 60,000,000 women that are in or past menopause and the 100,000 women entering menopause each month.
Send your story to me at sabina@solutionsforwomen.com.
Sabina Eve Fasano is a Patient Health Advocate and the founder and CEO of Solutions for Women, a company that develops and manufactures alternative healthcare products for women. The company's flagship product, Femmerol , is a clinically tested, standardized herbal extract formulation used to address hormonal imbalance due to menopause, perimenopause, and monthly hormonal fluctuations.
For more information, visit http://www.solutionsforwomen.com.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Selecting a Primary Care Physician Needs Careful Examination
(BUSINESS WIRE)--What is a primary care physician? Why do I need one? How do I go about selecting one?
Choosing the right primary care physician is critical to a patient’s healthcare strategy. But many people are not even aware of why they need one and what a primary care physician does.
Dr. Bernard Kaminetsky, Medical Director of MDVIP, a leading national group of affiliated primary care physicians who emphasize preventive care, says that, “A primary care doctor is someone who wears many hats. The doctor should be a treating physician, a diagnostician, coordinator of specialty care, a lifestyle coach and a patient advocate. Primary care doctors are in charge of a patient’s health and help steer a patient through the sometimes confusing and, from the patient’s perspective, unchartered healthcare waters.”
In order to find and select the right one, careful evaluation of the doctor and the practice is essential. Here are the top 10 questions/considerations that a potential patient should ask when selecting a primary care physician:
1. Ask friends and family for a recommendation, and find out why they like their doctor.
2. Is the doctor board certified? Board certification means that your doctor has spent many hours training and being tested for competence in a specialty. For a primary care physician, that usually means completion of residency in family practice or internal medicine.
3. Determine if your insurance is compatible with the doctor’s practice.
4. What is the doctor’s hospital affiliation? Is the doctor affiliated with a reputable, nearby hospital?
5. How convenient is the doctor’s office to your home?
6. What medical school did the doctor attend and where did the physician do his internship and residency? Does the doctor have any teaching appointments? If so, where?
7. Has the doctor been cited as a Top Doctor / Best Doctor in the media or won any awards?
8. Does the doctor have a web site, use electronic records, provide medical records on a CD?
9. Does the doctor have an informational voice mail or service on the phone when office hours have ended?
10. Is the staff that answers the doctor’s phone pleasant and helpful?
Many of these questions can be answered by simply calling the doctor’s office.
Once the patient has selected a doctor, his or her work is still not done. Dr. Kaminetsky continues, “The patient should make an appointment and be armed with as many questions as possible. On that first visit, ask the questions and write down the physician’s answers. An informed patient is much more likely to get better service and certainly a better understanding of what the doctor will offer. No question is considered too intrusive. You’re making one of the most important decisions for your health.”
Some of the questions a patient might ask on that first visit include:
* How long is the average appointment?
* How long has the doctor been in practice?
* Can you reach the doctor at any time if needed and how?
* Does the physician provide an annual physical exam?
* Will the doctor recommend specialists and coordinate your care?
* How quickly can you get an appointment?
* How helpful is the doctor’s staff?
* How promptly can you expect a return phone call or e-mail?
* Does the doctor practice preventive medicine as well as treat routine medical problems?
* What else does the doctor offer?
* Does the doctor have other specialties?
* Who covers for the doctor when he is on vacation?
* Does the doctor personally see you if you are in the hospital?
A good primary care physician should know a patient well, be easily reached so that there are no unwanted trips to the emergency room, and coordinate care in the event a specialist is needed. Most importantly, that doctor should create a health and wellness plan that focuses on nutrition, inoculations, exercise, regular evaluations and more. Patients should always tell their doctors everything so that the physician can make an informed diagnosis and plan.
In conclusion, Dr. Kaminetsky says, “Even if you go through this process, a patient and doctor relationship is one in which both sides should feel comfortable. If there is a red flag, move on, and select another doctor.”
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Safe Ways To Take Over-The-Counter Drugs
(NAPSI)-A healthy dose of information could help keep your family safe when taking over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. The next time you reach for cough syrup, ibuprofen or other medications sold without a prescription, make sure it will help reduce your symptoms without adding more.
Some OTC medications may interact with or reduce the effectiveness of medications prescribed by your doctor. For instance, people taking diabetes drugs should avoid OTC decongestants because they can counteract the medication's effectiveness by increasing blood sugar levels.
One of the best ways to protect yourself is to talk with your physician or pharmacist before choosing an OTC drug. Many health providers now use software to access the latest information on hundreds of brand name over-the-counter drugs right from their mobile device. During a phone consultation, office or pharmacy visit, a health provider may be using Epocrates software on his or her iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm or Windows device to help patients understand which OTC product may be best for them.
For example, a commonly used OTC combination product with multiple active ingredients used to treat a cold may also contain an unnecessary antihistamine that could cause or increase drowsiness. The software can help ensure that patients only take OTC medicines with the ingredients needed and nothing more.
More important, it can help providers identify some harmful OTC drug interactions, such as:
• Certain OTC antacids should not be taken with antibiotics,
• Some OTC antihistamines should be avoided by people who take prescription sleeping pills,
• And, OTC decongestants and some OTC pain relievers could reduce the effects of drugs taken for high blood pressure.
For more information, visit www.epocrates.com.
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3:03 PM
Labels: atlanta, drug interactions, drugs, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, OTC, over the counter, safety
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Risks of Delaying ACL Reconstruction in Young Athletes May Be Too High, Study Shows
/PRNewswire/ -- More and more children are participating and getting hurt playing sports each year. A new study presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's (AOSSM) Annual Meeting in Keystone, Colorado, (July 9-12) details the benefits and risks of repairing a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in young athletes under the age of 14.
"The risk of inducing a growth disturbance with early reconstruction of a torn ACL must be balanced against the risk of further knee damage by delaying treatment until closer to skeletal maturity. Our study measured the independent risk factors for and relative risk of meniscal and chondral injuries in pediatric ACL patients," said author, Theodore J. Ganley, MD, Director of the Sports Medicine and Performance Center for The Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Researchers analyzed the records of 69 patients, 14 years of age and younger who had undergone ACL reconstruction between 1991 and 2005. Data collected included demographics, relevant history (mechanism and side of injury, time from injury to surgery, one or more episodes of instability with activity, use of brace and return to sports), earliest MRI findings and physical exam findings. Operative reports and intra-operative images were also used to classify meniscal and articular cartilage pathology.
All of the patients were counseled as to the benefits and risks of delaying ACL reconstruction and advised to avoid any at-risk activities along with participating in physical therapy prior to their reconstruction. If the decision was made to delay treatment, patients were instructed to wear a custom ACL brace. All patients who underwent the surgery utilized a soft tissue graft with anatomically placed tunnels and fixation devices that did not cross the growth plate. Patients were also followed for a minimum of one-year post-operatively with no growth disturbances being noted.
"In our study, the largest of skeletally immature patients to evaluate independent risk factors, a delay in treatment of more than 12 weeks had about a four-fold increase in irreparable medial meniscus tears, an
11-fold increase in lateral compartment chondral injuries and a three-fold increase in patellotrochlear injuries. Issues with instability in the knee were also increased significantly. Our results highlight and help quantify the risk associated with delaying ACL reconstruction in young athletes and the need for continued injury prevention efforts," said Ganley.
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8:54 AM
Labels: 14 years old, ACL, anterior cruciate ligament, atheletes, atlanta, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, knee, reconstruction, repair, risk, sports, study, torn
Saturday, July 11, 2009
New Sun Protection from a Pill
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Last year, Life Extension® introduced FernBlock®, the revolutionary oral supplement that acts to inhibit the damaging effects of solar radiation. This fern extract was proven to inhibit sun damage by blocking absorption of harmful ultraviolet rays and by quenching DNA-corrupting free radicals. It also diminishes results of excessive UV radiation by favorably altering changes in skin cells that cause premature skin aging.
Sun exposure is not the only cause of accelerated skin aging. Stress releases a wave of hormones like cortisol that can prematurely age skin. The herb ashwagandha reduces cortisol to protect and enhance psychological health. In a recent study, 125 mg of a patented ashwagandha extract taken once daily led to a 14.5% reduction in cortisol levels in 98 individuals. It also resulted in a 13.2% increase in levels of the anti-aging hormone DHEA. Ashwagandha-treated subjects experienced up to 62% reduction in anxiety levels compared with no change in the placebo group.
Enhanced Fernblock® with Sendara™ is formulated with a powerful antioxidant and a natural herb that protects skin from internal damage from emotional stress. Enhanced Fernblock® also contains Phyllanthus emblica, an antioxidant. This extract blocks a chemical reaction that generates skin-damaging free radicals to shield skin from destruction of collagen and other dermal matrix proteins. An in vitro study using a patented extract of both ashwagandha and Phyllanthus emblica demonstrated a 54% inhibition of collagen-degrading enzymes and an 86% inhibition of those that break down hyaluronic acid, the skin’s natural moisturizer.
The unique formulation, Enhanced Fernblock® with Sendara™, is scientifically proven to protect skin from the inside out and should be used to complement topical sunscreens.
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Get Kids Up-To-Date On Vaccines Before They Go Back To School
(NAPSI)-Attention moms and dads! We know your back-to-school season checklist is already full with summer camps, shopping, play dates and maybe another trip to the beach or the lake. However, there's one more thing that you shouldn't forget-the back-to-school wellness checkup!
Even if immunization records are not required for school entry, the summer is a perfect time to schedule your child's annual physical exam. During this checkup, your child will be measured, weighed and checked for overall wellness. Your doctor will also make sure your child is up-to-date on all appropriate vaccines.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes the chickenpox vaccine on its list of recommended vaccines for school-age children. Chickenpox (also called varicella) is a highly contagious disease. The most common symptoms of chickenpox are rash, fever, headache and general discomfort. Although usually mild, chickenpox can sometimes lead to less common but serious complications such as pneumonia.
"Vaccines can be an incredibly valuable tool for maintaining children's health. Between the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine in 1995 and 2003-04, there was an 85 percent decline in chickenpox disease," said Keith S. Reisinger, M.D., MPH, a pediatrician in Pittsburgh, Pa. and medical director of Primary Physicians Research.
VARIVAX® (Varicella Virus Vaccine Live) helps prevent chickenpox in people 12 months of age and older.
Your child should not get VARIVAX if he or she is allergic to any of its ingredients, including gelatin and neomycin; has a weakened immune system, such as an immune deficiency, an inherited immune disorder, leukemia, lymphoma or HIV/AIDS; takes high doses of steroids by mouth or in a shot; has active tuberculosis that is not treated; has a fever; is pregnant or plans to get pregnant within the next three months.
VARIVAX is given as a shot to people who are 12 months old or older. If your child is 12 months to 12 years old and your doctor gives a second dose, the second dose must be given at least 3 months after the first shot.
A second dose should be given to those who first get the vaccine when they are 13 years old or older. This second dose should be given 4 to 8 weeks after the first dose.
Your doctor or health care provider will use the official recommendations to decide the number of shots needed and when to get them.
For a complete 2009 vaccination schedule visit the CDC's Web site at: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules/child-schedule.htm.
Data from a CDC survey showed that less than 20 percent of adolescents 13-17 years of age without a history of disease had received both recommended doses of the chickenpox vaccine.
"The two-dose recommendation was instituted in 2006 to help further reduce outbreaks and provide better individual protection," said Dr. Reisinger. "We've made great strides in increasing immunization rates across the board but we have some work to do with making sure more kids receive both doses of the chickenpox vaccine."
The implementation of a chickenpox vaccination program has significantly reduced the frequency and severity of chickenpox in the U.S. Because it is better to help prevent a disease than to treat it, parents should talk to their child's doctor to make sure appropriate vaccines are received on time.
Important Information About VARIVAX
Your child should not take aspirin or aspirin-containing products for 6 weeks after getting VARIVAX.
VARIVAX may not protect everyone who gets it. VARIVAX does not treat chickenpox once your child has it.
The most common side effects are fever; pain, swelling, itching, or redness at the site of the shot; chicken-pox like rash on the body or at the site of the shot; irritability. Your doctor has a more complete list of side effects for VARIVAX.
Prescribing information and patient product information for VARIVAX are attached, and are also available at www.merckvaccines.com.
This information is sponsored by Merck & Co., Inc.
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2:34 PM
Labels: atlanta, chickenpox, contagious, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, immunization, vaccinations, varicella, varivax
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Daily physical activity helps lessen the severity of arthritis
(ARA) - More than 46 million people of all ages in the U.S. have arthritis. A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that arthritis is the nation’s most common disability.
The same CDC study showed that the number of people who report arthritis as their primary cause of disability has grown by more than 3 million since 1999. What’s more alarming -- with the aging of baby boomers, the prevalence of arthritis is expected to increase 40 percent by the year 2030.
Given the pervasiveness of arthritis, many Americans understand that it is a serious health problem. However, some are unaware that physical activity can actually help lessen the severity of arthritis. In fact, increased daily movement or exercise is one of the best approaches to helping reduce stiff, achy joints caused by arthritis.
“Physical activity, including stretching and strengthening, is crucial to improving joint pain and mobility and reducing fatigue often associated with arthritis,” says Dr. Patience White, chief public health officer for the Arthritis Foundation. “Moving just 30 minutes daily, even 10 to 15 minutes at a time, can reduce the impact of arthritis on a person’s daily activities and help to prevent developing more painful arthritis.”
The Arthritis Foundation has created a program, Let’s Move Together, which is designed to inspire people to move every day to prevent or treat arthritis. Its Web site offers helpful tips for increasing movement, including:
* Take a hike. Walking is one of the easiest, safest and most beneficial forms of exercise. It helps keep your weight in check and strengthens muscles, which reduces pressure on the knees and decreases pain. Walking just fast enough so that you're slightly short of breath is a good pace. The goal is to strengthen the muscles in your legs and around your knees and hips.
* Go for a spin. Stationary cycling strengthens your heart, hips and knees -- with less impact on joints than other forms of cardiovascular exercise, such as running. For those new to stationary cycling, start slowly with a five-minute session at a comfortable pace three times per day.
* Make a splash. Using a combination of soothing warm water and gentle movements helps increase joint flexibility and range of motion. Studies have shown aquatic-based exercise helps to restore and maintain muscle strength, relieve pain and stiffness and provide a community support system for people with arthritis. Those looking to get started can explore the Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program, which is offered in most major cities.
* Go with the flow. Tai chi is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Participants in a tai chi program follow a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing. Experts agree that tai chi may improve mobility, breathing and relaxation. Plus, the movements don't require deep bending or squatting, which makes it easier and more comfortable to learn.
“Without regular exercise, muscles become smaller and weaker, and weakness and weight gain from inactivity puts stress on weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles,” says White. “Aerobic walking and other exercise programs can make a significant impact on thwarting arthritis while also improving a person’s overall well-being.”
More information on the benefits of daily movement can be found online at www.letsmovetogether.org.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
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7:27 AM
Labels: arthritis, atlanta, cdc, exercise, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, physical activity, study
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Extreme Heat Causes Major Health Problems for Older Adults
FF Note: The July 4th holiday is upon us and we know that all of Fayette County will be out and about in the celebrations. Whether it be the early morning Peachtree City Parade, one of the Let Freedom Ring Ceremonies, the annual Peachtree City Fire Department Exhibition at Drake Field, picnics, or the Peachtree City Fireworks, be sure to stay hydrated and find time to get out of the heat. Have a great weekend, Fayette County!
/PRNewswire/ -- As we prepare for hotter, humid weeks ahead and temperatures reach well over 100 degrees in some parts of the country, older adults are at higher risk of health problems if they don't take the proper precautions to protect themselves from the sweltering heat. About 200 Americans die of health problems caused by high heat and humidity every year, most of them are 50 or older. Due to some of the physical changes that happen as we age, older adults can't cool down as easily as others.
The AGS' Foundation for Health and Aging (FHA) suggests these steps for seniors to help stay safe in the summer months:
-- Use air conditioning in the home or go where it's air-conditioned -- a
shopping mall, grocery store, senior center, movie theatre, museum or
library, for example. (Fans are not effective enough to adequately
cool down the body during intense heat waves.)
-- Drink a lot of water and other clear beverages that don't contain
alcohol or caffeine. A good way to measure if enough fluids are being
ingested is to check urine color. If urine is a light yellow color,
enough water is being taken into the body. If it's darker yellow, the
body needs more water.
-- Take cool showers, baths, or sponge baths.
-- Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and hats.
-- Extended periods of sun exposure.
-- Walking long distances, lifting heavy objects, or other strenuous
Below are the most common health problems caused by heat:
-- Dehydration: Weakness, headache, muscle cramps, dizziness, confusion
and passing out.
-- Heat stroke: A body temperature of or above 103 degrees; red, hot and
dry skin; a fast pulse; headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting,
confusion and passing out.
-- Heat exhaustion: Heavy sweating or no sweating, muscle cramps,
tiredness, weakness, paleness, cold or clammy skin, dizziness,
headache, nausea or vomiting and fainting.
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9:48 AM
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