FFH Note: There is much added stress to daily life when the realization hits: "Mom and Dad need me now." Are you prepared?
24-7 - Many people find themselves responsible for paying for the care of their parents as they age. But according to a just-released survey, these adult children of aging parents, known as family caregivers, are vastly unprepared. The survey found:
• 63% of caregivers have no plan as to how they will pay for their parent's care over the next five years.
• 62% say the cost of caring for a parent has impacted their ability to plan for their own financial future.
"With an estimated 34 million Americans providing care for older family members, the survey's results indicate a financial crisis in the making," says Joe Buckheit, Publisher of AgingCare, a website and online forum for family caregivers.
"Medicare only covers long-term care for a short time, and only under strict rules. Medi-gap insurance helps, but does not cover all costs. The burden of paying for long-term care often rests with the family," Buckheit says. "The caregivers' lack of planning is impacting their own financial future."
Long-term care costs are not the only expenses caregivers bear. "Family members responsible for ailing loved ones provide not only hands-on care but often reach into their own pockets to pay for many daily expenses, including groceries, household goods, drugs, medical co-payments and transportation," says Buckheit. "Americans who are already strapped for cash by the rising price of gas and food are unable to afford these additional expenses." The survey found:
• 34% spend $300 or more per month out of their own pocket for caregiving expenses.
• 54% have sacrificed spending money on themselves to pay for care of their parents.
Work Issues
Making matters worse, caring for aging parents often impacts adult children at their workplace as well. The survey found:
• 43% have had to take time off work due to caregiving responsibilities.
• 48% say they are earning less money at work as a result of caregiving.
• 25% have been fired or had to quit their job as a result of caregiving.
Physical and Emotional Toll
Despite potentially making less money and doling out more, more than half of the caregivers surveyed are spending what equates to a full-time work week - 40 hours or more - on caregiving duties- many in addition to their full-time careers outside the home.
• 53% of caregivers provide care 40 or more hours per week.
• 37% provide care more than 80 hours per week.
• 21% say they never get a break from caregiving.
• 36% get a break of 5 hours or less a week.
The survey indicates that today's caregivers face a triple financial threat: unplanned-for caregiving expenses, less money for their own needs and reduced time in the workplace.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cost of Caring for Aging Parents Could be Next Financial Crisis
7:36 AM
Labels: aging, caregivers, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, financial, peachtree city, retirement, senior care
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Atlanta Chosen as "Biggest Loser"
Contest website: http://www.atlbiggestloser.com.
24-7 - Mari Garner, founder and owner of The American Boot Camp Company, Atlanta's leading results based fitness company, has been chosen by Atlanta's NBC affiliate, 11Alive, to be one of only two trainers to lead Atlanta's very own The Biggest Loser contest using the same guidelines as the well-known national smash hit TV reality show.
Beginning August 25, 2008, hopeful contestants will submit video applications to be selected on one of two finalist teams. The top 12 finalists will weigh in live on September 17 and begin their 12-week journey to become Atlanta's Biggest Loser. Every Tuesday, contestants will weigh-in and one contestant will be eliminated. Viewers tuning into 11Alive will receive updates and tips from Mari Garner on Wednesday's and Friday's and will be able to see how her team shrinks when they appear live every other week. Mari's team, the Red Team, will receive health screenings, enjoy a personalized nutrition plan, and participate in a boot camp fitness regimen provided by The American Boot Camp Company for the entire 12 weeks. The grand finale will air live on December 13, 2008 when one person will be named Atlanta's Biggest Loser.
Even those not chosen to be a contestant on Atlanta's Biggest Loser can still be a part of the contest. The American Boot Camp Company has created a website dedicated to aiding others in their own journey to become The Biggest Loser. The website will allow viewers to see what's happening with the team, obtain workout and nutrition samples, read success stories, take advantage of fitness tips, and register for giveaways.
Why was The American Boot Camp Company chosen? "Boot camp is the hottest fitness trend in the country, and is a wonderful way to meet health-related goals and have a good time while you're doing it," said Mari Garner, founder of The American Boot Camp Company. "My experience and qualifications as a lead group instructor and the amazing transformations my clients have achieved who have completed my Boot Camp programs played a huge factor in my being selected to lead Atlanta's Biggest Loser contest. Contestants selected to be on my team will be a tremendous force to be reckoned with - there is no doubt - and I know they will be thrilled with their results. Tune in to watch 'Team Mari' contestants' transform their bodies, health and attitude to become the winner and Biggest Loser in Atlanta!"
Garner says that in a society based in efficiency, her boot camp is one of the best full body workouts available. Participants frequently burn up to 750 calories in a 45-minute workout and watch their physique change dramatically in a very short period of time. The American Boot Camp Company workouts combine athletic-based drills, interval training and core conditioning with running and strength training to provide ultimate results. Coupled with a balanced nutrition regimen, this program is designed to help clients of all fitness levels get into shape quickly and stay in shape for life. This intense program has helped hundreds of ordinary people from every stage of health/fitness reach beyond their fitness goals.
Fayette Front Page
Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
8:07 AM
Labels: atlanta, biggest loser, boot camp, contest, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, georgia front page, lose weight, peachtree city, training, tyrone
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Working With Your Physician To Identify And Manage The Symptoms Of Parkinson's Disease
(NAPSI)-Bijan Farzan was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1996 and has been living with the condition over the past 12 years. Farzan first became aware of Parkinson's disease when he watched Muhammad Ali light the torch at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. This event sparked Farzan's curiosity, and led the retired senior engineering executive to research and learn more about the movement disorder that affects over 1.5 million Americans.
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system and may appear at any age, but the average age of onset is about 60. Parkinson's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease, and is expected to affect an increasing number of people as the population's average life expectancy rises. The primary symptoms of the disease include rigidity and/or tremors of a limb, slow movement and postural instability. Because there is no lab test that can identify the disease, Farzan worked closely with his physician to reach the eventual diagnosis for Parkinson's disease.
The first symptoms Farzan experienced were on one side of his body, a common occurrence for people newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He started experiencing tremors in his left leg, which affected his ability to walk and also caused him to have trouble sleeping at night. The slowness on his left side eventually affected his left hand, and he found that when typing, his right hand would finish typing before his left hand had a chance to begin. Farzan also found that he could not go out as often as he would have liked, and when he did he would have to walk a little slower. He also had to adjust his schedule so that he would be able to accomplish all of his errands before needing to rest. Farzan said that these symptoms are among the toughest hurdles of living with Parkinson's disease, but with the help of treatment, he has remained active and involved in his community.
Although there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, many effective medications are now available to treat the symptoms. The most widely-used therapy to treat the symptoms of the disease is levodopa, and it has been the cornerstone of Parkinson's disease therapy for nearly 40 years. However, after several years of treatment, the effects of levodopa tend to wear off, and people with Parkinson's disease may see changes in the way their medication controls their symptoms. This means that symptoms may re-emerge before it is time for the next scheduled dose of medication.
Farzan was prescribed treatment with levodopa to better manage his symptoms. For a few years, the treatment was working fine and then according to Farzan, "it started wearing off." He noticed that his medication was not lasting as long as it used to and that his symptoms would re-emerge between doses. One of the greatest challenges with his symptoms re-emerging was that he was no longer able to get a full night's rest because his legs would begin to tremor.
To help reduce the effects of symptom re-emergence due to end-of-dose wearing off, Farzan's physician prescribed Stalevo® (carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone). Stalevo is a levodopa therapy that combines levodopa and two other ingredients to extend its benefits. This enables many people with Parkinson's disease who are experiencing symptom re-emergence, to have an improved ability to perform everyday tasks. Stalevo also helps in reducing symptoms associated with the disease. Stalevo is indicated for certain patients with Parkinson's disease who are experiencing end-of-dose "wearing off".
Since starting on Stalevo, Farzan has found that he is more active and can go on longer walks even though he has Parkinson's disease. The medication has also helped him to control his leg tremors, which allows him to sleep better at night.
The most common side effects of Stalevo are unwanted or uncontrollable movements (known as dyskinesia), nausea, diarrhea, excessive muscle movements (known as hyperkinesia), harmless discoloration of urine, sweat and/or saliva; diminished or slow movements (known as hypokinesia), abdominal pain, dizziness, constipation, fatigue, pain, and hallucinations. Some of the more serious side effects may include severe diarrhea, severe dyskinesia, hallucinations, other mental disturbances, orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure), rhabdomyolysis (a muscle disease), and symptoms resembling neuroleptic malignant syndrome (a condition characterized by fever and muscle stiffness).
Fayette Front Page
Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
8:24 AM
Labels: disease, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, parkinson, symptoms, treatment
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Back to School Groans May Link to Misuse of Back Packs
FFH Note: All those groans of the children as they limp into the house after school may not all be signs of upcoming homework. Instead, some of the groans may be attributed to their back packs. Read on..
24-7 - Back pain is pervasive among American Adults, but a new disturbing trend is emerging. Young Children are suffering from back pain much earlier than previous generations, and the use of overweight backpacks is a contributing factor according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact, according to the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, the use of book bags or back carries resulted in 6,500 injuries in the year 2000 alone.
"In my own practice, I have noticed a marked increase in the number of young children who are complaining about back, neck, and shoulder pain," said Dr. James R. Fedich of Village Family Chiropractic, "The first question I ask these patients is, 'Do you carry a backpack to school? Almost always, the answer is yes."
This new back pain trend among youngsters isn't surprising when you consider the disproportionate amounts of weight they carry in their backpacks - often slung over just one shoulder. According to Dr. Fedich, a recent study conducted in Italy found that the average child carries a backpack that would be the equivalent of a 39-pound burden for a 176-pound man. Of those children carrying heavy backpacks to school, 60 percent had experienced back pain as a result.
The results of these studies are especially important as more and more school districts remove lockers from the premises, forcing students to carry their books with them all day long.
What can you do?
-Make sure your child's backpack weighs no more than 5 to 10 percent of his or her body weight
-The backpack should never hang more than four inches below the waistline
-A backpack with individualized compartments helps position contents most effectively
-Bigger is not better. More room in the bag, more things will be put in it.
-Urge your child to wear both straps.
-Wide, padded straps are very important to distribute the weight
-Shoulder straps should be adjustable
-If the backpack is still too heavy, talk to your children's teachers
-Although roller packs have become popular, they are now not recommended.
Fayette Front Page
Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
6:46 AM
Labels: back pack, back pain, children, chronic pain, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, groans, peachtree city, tyrone
Friday, August 22, 2008
Is Our Health Tied to the Economy?
FFH Note: What impact does the recent downswing of our economy play on our health? We found this article and thought you'd be interested to see what one group says. We were shocked to realize to learn as gas prices are going up, well-being goes down at the same rate. The data shows the same trend for when food costs go up as well.
Well- Being of Americans Declines as Economy Worsens
BUSINESS WIRE --Research released by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index last week points to a significant decline in overall well-being among all Americans over the past six months – more than 123 million Americans are now estimated to be struggling or suffering. Those struggling outnumber those thriving for the fourth consecutive month.
The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index is an ongoing, long-term measurement of personal well-being based on the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health as "not only the absence of infirmity and disease but also a state of physical, mental and social well-being." The Well-Being Index determines the correlation between the places where people work and the communities in which they live, and how that and other factors impact their well-being.
The survey of nearly 200,000 respondents between January and July shows that American’s well-being score has decreased 5.4 percent in the last six months – and a shift of this magnitude is a significant reflection of the changing well-being of the American people. The report also reveals that the percentage of Americans who believe their standard of living is getting worse has increased from a 30.6 percent average in January, to a 42.2 percent average in July, which also coincides with the percentage decline of Americans who are thriving.
-----Georgia Front Page
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Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
12:48 PM
Labels: fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, food, gas prices, georgia, georgia front page, health, peachtree city, survey, tyrone, wellness
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Be Sure Your Home Is Mold And Mildew Free
FFH Note: It's the time of year when the outside mold counts grow daily in our area. Be sure to keep an eye out for the inside of your home or business as well. If you suspect mold presence in a public place, check out the guidelines for mold remediation for public buildings.
We all remember public mold outbreaks in Peachtree City and in Fayette County, and the resulting cost to the taxpayers. For some, it's also the added cost of medical assistance.
(SPM Wire) Household mold and mildew can be more than unsightly - it can negatively impact your health.
Approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population is sensitive to mold, and invisible mold spores cause countless allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and sinus infections, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Mold also wreaks havoc on building materials. In nature, mold breaks down decaying organic matter, but in a home, it can decompose floors, walls, and other structures.
Fortunately, mold growth can be controlled.
"The key to mold control is moisture control," says Steven Hong, home health specialist and president of Sylvane.com, a leading online supplier of dehumidifiers.
Hong offers the following tips for creating a healthy home environment that's mold and mildew free:
* Recognize Visible Mold: Mold grows in damp, dark environments. Commonly found in bathrooms and basements, it's usually slimy or fuzzy in appearance, and its color may be green, black, orange, or purple.
* Be Aware of Hidden Mold: Mold can grow behind walls and wallpaper, above ceiling tiles, and under sinks. If you notice a musty odor in a particular room, it's likely coming from hidden mold. You can check for mold with a Mold Test Kit.
* Clean Up Spills Immediately: If you have a spill, leak, or any kind of water damage in your home, clean and dry out the area immediately. Mold starts growing within 24-48 hours.
* Keep Indoor Humidity Low: Dehumidifiers keep the humidity low by removing excess moisture from the air. Keep your home's relative humidity below 50 percent to prevent mold growth.
* Protect Your Basement: Basements are notorious for mold and mildew. Use a basement dehumidifier to prevent mold and mildew growth.
* Defend Your Crawlspace: Crawlspaces are dark and damp -- ideal environments for mold. Place a plastic vapor barrier on open earth to reduce moisture. Many crawlspaces require a crawlspace dehumidifier to keep the mold at bay.
* Carefully Clean Visible Mold: If you see visible mold growth, carefully clean it up with water and detergent. It's impossible to completely remove mold from a porous surface such as drywall; this material will have to be removed and discarded.
* Protect Yourself While Cleaning: The Environmental Protection Agency recommends wearing an N-95 respirator mask, gloves, and goggles while cleaning mold. Black mold or toxic mold (usually found in buildings with severe water damage) produces dangerous toxins that can cause neurological symptoms and even death. If you encounter extensive mold growth, or if you suspect that it may be toxic mold, contact a mold remediation professional.
"Indoor mold is a major cause of sinus infections, allergies, and asthma attacks, not to mention structural damage to buildings," says Hong. "But if you control your home's humidity, then mold doesn't stand a chance."
Fayette Front Page
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Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
9:32 AM
Labels: fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, humidity, infections, mold, peachtree city, remediation
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Take Charge Of Your Heart Health: Know Your Cholesterol Levels
FFH Note: September is National Cholesterol Education Month. Many women don’t realize that high cholesterol is a major controllable risk factor for heart disease. Approximately one woman dies from heart and vascular diseases every minute-that’s nearly half a million women each year.
(NAPSI)-If you thought cancer was the leading cause of female deaths in the United States, think again. Every minute, approximately one woman dies from heart and vascular diseases--that’s nearly half a million women each year. In fact, more women die of heart disease than all cancers combined.
The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart disease. You can reduce your heart disease risk factors, including excess weight, high blood sugar levels and high cholesterol, just by making simple lifestyle changes, such as increasing your physical activity, making nutritious food choices and managing stress in healthy ways.
An Important First Step
Knowing your cholesterol levels is an important first step toward taking charge of one’s heart health. In recognition of National Cholesterol Education Month this September, the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement is urging women across the country to talk to their doctors, learn their cholesterol levels and better understand their risk for heart disease.
There are two types of cholesterol: the “good cholesterol,” also called HDL, and the “bad cholesterol,” called LDL. It’s important to understand the difference and to know the levels of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in your blood. Too much LDL cholesterol in the blood can clog the arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke, while high levels of HDL cholesterol seem to protect against heart attack.
High Cholesterol Can Be Controlled
“Many women are unaware that high cholesterol can be controlled and managed by taking small steps, such as eating foods low in cholesterol and saturated fat, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight,” said Jennifer H. Mieres, M.D., associate professor of medicine and director of nuclear cardiology at New York University. “Working with your doctor to make these steps a part of everyday life can provide long-term benefits for your health and your heart.”
Take the Go Red Heart CheckUp
The American Heart Association started the Go Red For Women movement to better educate women about their personal risk for heart disease. This September, with Merck & Co., Inc. as a national sponsor, Go Red For Women urges women across America to visit your doctor to discuss your heart health and know your numbers--cholesterol as well as fasting blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
With these numbers, you can visit www.goredforwomen.org to take the Go Red Heart Checkup--an online tool that helps you identify your risk factors and provides a personalized heart health action plan you can follow. You can also play the Heart Smarts Challenge at www.goredwithmerck.com for a chance to receive a free copy of the heart-healthy Go Red For Women “Light and Easy Recipes” cookbook.
By being a part of the Go Red For Women movement, you are making an investment in your own health and that of those you love. Join Go Red For Women and spread the word.
For more information about cholesterol and heart disease, visit www.goredforwomen.org or contact your local American Heart Association chapter.
Georgia Front Page
Fayette Front Page
Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
10:45 AM
Labels: cholesterol, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, georgia front page, HDL, health, heart, LDL, month, national, peachtree city, september, tyrone, women
Monday, August 18, 2008
Skimping on Healthcare is a Risky Way to Save When Economic Times are Tough
When the economy sputters and the cost of living spikes, people inevitably look for ways to cut financial corners – even on basics like healthcare.
A poll released this week by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners found that 22 percent of people who responded said they were cutting back on doctor visits. Eleven percent said they were reducing the number of prescription drugs they take or lowering the dosage to make the medications last longer.
But deferring potentially life-saving screening tests or throttling back on medications is a risky, pennywise-pound-foolish way to save money, doctors at Duke Medical Center say.
"You can more effectively manage healthcare costs and stay healthy at the same time by taking control in other ways," says Lloyd Michener, M.D., chairman of Duke's Department of Community and Family Medicine.
Options include:
* Adopting a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
* Getting regular preventive care, including immunizations and screening tests.
* Seeking care when you need it, before you wind up in the emergency room.
* Asking for less expensive but good medicines.
* Knowing when to see a specialist.
"These are always good ideas, not just when money is tight," says William E. Kraus, M.D., professor of medicine and research director at the Center for Living at Duke Medical Center. "Lifestyle changes can be very economical and save the individual and system money."
Insured people feel the pinch, too. Many say they no longer can afford the $15-$25 co-payment to see a primary care doctor, says Devdutta Sangvai, M.D., M.B.A., assistant professor of family medicine and pediatrics.
"And some folks, especially seniors, are known to ration their medications because of financial hardship – by taking a daily medication every other day to make it 'last longer,' " Sangvai says. "I would suspect that this is even more the case with milk at $5 a gallon and gas at $4 a gallon."
He encourages patients to save money via comprehensive visits to their doctor.
"Encourage your doctor to take care of several related issues at the same time," Sangvai says. "For example, get your vaccines, medications and screening tests all at the same visit."
Another way to save money, he says, is focusing more on generic drugs, particularly the $4 to $5 lists at Kroger, Wal-Mart and other places that offer such lists.
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8:52 AM
Labels: cost saving, duke, economy, fayette, fayette front page, generic, georgia, georgia front page, healthcare, tip
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Boning Up on Bone Health this Back-to-School Season
(ARA) - Each back-to-school season, parents arm children with tools necessary to build a lifetime of knowledge. But children need to develop more than their minds to lead a long and healthy life – they need to develop strong bones, too.
This year, parents can send kids back to school with the tools necessary to build strong minds and strong bones by following a handful of useful nutrition strategies. Ninety percent of girls and 75 percent of boys ages 9 to 13 do not get the 1,300 milligrams of daily calcium recommended, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. What’s more, the majority of parents (60 percent) aren’t sure how much calcium their kids get each day, according to a 2007 survey by independent research firm Opinion Research Corporation More than 30 percent of surveyed parents mistakenly believed their children needed less than half of the daily recommended amount.
Parents have an opportunity to become better educated about bone health in order to effectively increase their kids’ bone mass. Bringing bone-healthy foods into the home is one simple step parents can take to help their kids build and maintain strong bones.
Bone-healthy foods include foods rich in calcium, along with those enhanced with prebiotics - non-digestible, soluble fiber that can significantly boost calcium absorption by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. By choosing to bring foods into the home that are both rich in calcium and enhanced with prebiotics, parents can ensure their kids are on the road to a lifetime of healthy bones.
“Back-to-school season presents an opportune time for parents to help their kids build strong bones by providing them with bone-healthy breakfasts and packed lunches,” says Coni Francis, Ph.D., a registered dietitian with GTC Nutrition.
There are an increasing number of kid-friendly, better-for-your-bones foods for parents to choose from, such as Barbara’s Bakery line of Organic Wild Puffs cereals. Barbara’s Bakery recently re-launched their tasty cereals with the added health benefits of NutraFlora, a natural prebiotic fiber. NutraFlora is one of the most effective prebiotics available, and is rapidly gaining awareness among parents and consumers for its ability to significantly improve calcium absorption.
In addition to serving bone-healthy foods, parents can help kids build and maintain healthy bones by encouraging them to exercise. Bones, just like muscles, become stronger through regular athletic activity. Most schools have a wide variety of organized athletics for kids, making back-to-school a perfect time for kids to start a new exercise routine.
To learn more about building and maintaining healthy bones visit www.nutraflora.com or www.nof.org.
Courtesy of ARAcontent
Fayette Front Page
2:05 PM
Labels: bone, brooks, calcium, exercise, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, health, peachtree city, requirements, tyrone
Monday, August 11, 2008
How Desk Workers Can Prevent Back Pain
(SPM Wire) Work-related back pain doesn't just happen to physical laborers, as many desk-bound office workers can attest.
"Health problems caused by long hours sitting in front of a computer are jeopardizing the health of the workforce, and affecting corporate America's ability to compete in the global economy," said Dr. Peter F. Ullrich, Medical Director of Spine-health (www.spine-health.com) and an orthopedic spine surgeon.
Here are some tips from the experts at Spine-health on preventing back and neck pain:
* Just move. Your body can only tolerate one position for 20 minutes at a time, 30 minutes maximum.
* Avoid hunching. Sitting at the front of your office chair, hunching forward to see the computer screen, is wrong. Try to "retrain" your posture.
* Choose an adjustable office chair. Make sure it has the flexibility to adjust to the needs of your body and your work and can support your low back and create good posture. Consider such features as adjustable seat height, back rests and arm rests, as well as lumbar adjustment and padding.
* Use exercise as the ultimate weapon against back problems. As you age, having strong back and abdominal muscles - your core body muscles - is critical for maintaining good posture. These muscles don't get used in typical everyday activities, so you need to keep them in shape.
More details on these tips are available online at www.spine-health.com.
Fayette Front Page
9:04 AM
Labels: back pain, exercise, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, peachtree city, spine, weapon, workers
Saturday, August 09, 2008
New Podcast Series from Abbott for People Living with Crohn's Disease
24-7 - As part of its ongoing commitment to the Crohn's disease community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing relevant issues for people with Crohn's disease. Crohn's Casts: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top health professionals regarding diet and nutrition, the emotional impact of the disease and its effect on relationships. Each Crohn's Cast also includes a first-hand account from a person living with Crohn's disease.
Crohn's disease is a serious, chronic gastrointestinal condition affecting an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's disease suffer from symptoms like severe stomach pain and frequent, persistent diarrhea. Most often diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's disease impacts not just a person's physical health but also can affect their lifestyle and emotional health. More information can be found at http://www.CrohnsOnline.com.
About 'Crohn's Casts: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-part podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: diet and nutrition, emotional impact, and relationships. Visit http://www.CrohnsCasts.com to download and/or play each podcast.
• "Food: Friend or Foe?" features gastroenterologist Dr. David Rubin addressing the relationship between diet and Crohn's. Registered dietitian Tracie Dalessandro talks about some common food concerns.
• In "Enjoying Eating," Dalessandro shares tips for healthy eating, and Crohn's patient and professional chef Baron provides ideas for flavorful, Crohn's-friendly food.
Emotional Impact:
• It is estimated that up to one-third of individuals with a serious medical condition experience symptoms of depression. Clinical psychologist and Crohn's patient Dr. Amy Trachter joins Dr. Rubin in "Understanding the Mind-Gut Connection" to address how to spot signs of depression and what to do if you have depressive feelings.
• In "Coping with Crohn's," Dr. Trachter suggests tips for coping with the disease, and Crohn's patient Debra discusses her battle with Crohn's and depression -- and how she found solutions.
• In "Dating Dilemmas," Dr. Trachter gives pointers for navigating relationships. Jessica, a college student with Crohn's, shares how her disease affected her personal relationships and what she did to overcome those issues.
• "For Better or For Worse" includes married couple Bert and Heather talking candidly about how Crohn's affected their marriage and young family. Dr. Trachter stresses the importance of communication for couples.
Dates & Episodes:
The first two Crohn's Cast episodes are available now. Visit http://www.CrohnsCasts.com to listen to the podcasts and sign up to receive e-mail alerts as new episodes become available.
• August 6, 2008 - Food: Friend or Foe? and Enjoying Eating
• August 20, 2008 - Understanding the Mind-Gut Connection
• September 3, 2008 - Coping with Crohn's
• September 17, 2008 - Dating Dilemmas
• October 1, 2008 - For Better or For Worse
Who's Speaking From The Gut:
Dr. David Rubin - Gastroenterologist University of Chicago Medical Center
Tracie M. Dalessandro - Registered dietitian, American Dietetic Association
Dr. Amy Trachter - Licensed clinical psychologist
Baron - Chef living with Crohn's disease
Debra - Woman living with Crohn's disease
Bert and Heather - Married couple affected by the challenges of Bert's disease
Jessica - College student living with Crohn's disease
About Crohn's Online
Crohn's Online is a Web site developed by Abbott as a resource for people with Crohn's disease. In addition to general information about Crohn's disease, visitors will find information on how to manage Crohn's, including tips for traveling, managing stress and choosing the right diet. Visitors can also sign up to receive a free book that covers a wide range of topics, from diagnosis and treatment to diet and lifestyle.
Fayette Front Page
7:50 AM
Labels: abbott, crohns disease, diarrhea, fayette, fayette front page, fayetteville, gut, inflammatory, nutrition, peachtree city, relationship, resource