/PRNewswire/ -- Bailey Carlson, 17, appears to live a typical teenage life. She is focused on school, friends and sleepovers. Like many teens, she has days when all she wants is to feel "normal."
But Bailey faces something on a daily basis that most would never imagine: recovery from stroke.
While stroke–a leading cause of death and adult disability–might seem out of the ordinary for a teen, the reality is that it affects all ages. It is also up to 80 percent preventable. About 795,000 people will have a stroke this year, yet the public is largely unaware of basic symptoms. National Stroke Awareness Month in May is a special time of the year to educate about important stroke facts, including prevention tips and how to recognize and respond to warning signs.
The Faces of Stroke is National Stroke Association's latest effort to raise public awareness in honor of National Stroke Awareness Month. The campaign aims to educate by revealing the personal side of stroke through images and stories. From a nurse with a family history of stroke to a 52-year old man who beat a diagnosis that he would never walk again, the people participating in this campaign are a community of inspiration.
"By providing survivors and others affected by stroke a platform on which to tell their stories, both bad and good, the Faces campaign intends to educate others about important stroke prevention and treatment information, but it equally aims to empower those affected by stroke," said Jim Baranski, Chief Executive Officer of National Stroke Association.
"Survivors in particular are deeply impacted on so many levels–emotionally, physically, socioeconomically–this is not often an experience that people easily return from. Some people recover 100 percent, but more often than not, they carry some deficit that, unfortunately, our society stigmatizes. We want those involved in stroke to be a proud and empowered community, and hope this campaign provides them an opportunity to recognize they are not alone. Their identities as stroke survivors and stroke champions can be a powerful voice to restore the dignity deserved by so many."
The Faces of Stroke features daily profiles in May on www.stroke.org, Facebook and Twitter. A free upload tool allows anyone to join this campaign and include a story in an online gallery. Learn more at www.stroke.org/faces.
About Stroke
A stroke is a brain attack that occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or a blood vessel breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain. The first step to prevention is identifying if you have any controllable and uncontrollable risk factors and begin to manage them.
Stroke is an emergency. Treatment may be available if a person reaches the hospital in time. Recognizing warning signs can be easy if you remember to think FAST:
F = Face Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
A =Arms Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S = Speech Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Does the speech sound slurred or strange?
T =Time If you observe any of these signs, then it's time to call 9-1-1.
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Monday, May 02, 2011
National Stroke Association Launches the Faces of Stroke(SM)
10:14 AM
Labels: awareness, faces, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, profiles, stroke, symptoms